
photo: Jamie Love

photo: Jamie Love

photo: Jamie Love

photo: Jamie Love

A note from Jyoti: 
The following shots were taken by my husband, Doug Shirewhile we were on a walk in Cascadilla Gorge. I thought the waterfall would be a beautiful backdrop for asana photos, so we did these spontaneously, using his iphone.

Virabhadrasana II  (Warrior II)

Dancing Warrior (AKA Peaceful Warrior)

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Baddha Parshvokonasana (bound side Angle Pose) 

Natyasana (Ballet Pose)

Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

Natarajasana (Dancer Pose)

Photos from our BODY BLISS class, with live musicians:

Our BODY BLISS musicians: (from left) Doug Shire, Ray Eldridge, Joe Smellow

From the 108 Sun salutations fundraiser at Fine Spirit Studio:


Poetry, readings & words of wisdom from modern and ancient sources